Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hold on. I'm not done. How the hell does Google know what kind of Ads to put on my blog?!!! Is it a human or a machine that determines that I am a feminist or a drunk?

Sarah has been parousing 2nd life these days. We had a debate about it at the cabin this weekend. The girls were offended by Second Life. They thought it was pathetic and scary that people could live their lives through a virtual avatar in a fake world. I was outnumbered. I think it's fun. You have a choice to join the seedy underbelly of Second Life or First life. It's a choice. Don't go to the brothels if you don't want to. In second life you can't die and you can't get sick. Why would anyone want to live in reality. It makes sense to me.

I am conflicted though because I am a socially awkward geek who blogs and communicates better through machines and yet Google freaks me out with their customized ads. I can't even click on them. Cyber freedom is a beautiful thing if it doesn't get too big brother corporate. Hi Google! Where is my check?

Home brew!

Holly Sh*t! I accidentally cracked open Jaime's home brew. I thought it was a Trader Joe's Fat Weasel. I've died and gone to heaven. I don't usually get this buzzed from one beer. There must be crack in it. Amazing. There is no label on it. I will give it a name. It willl be called "Autumn's Favorite Magical Brew". I'm light headed. Good night.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Woman's Building

My studio is in the Woman's Building downtown.
Last night I went to the Getty Center to see "Without Imagination There Is No Will: The Woman's Building Tapes" curated by Meg Cranston. The audience was full of all the pioneers of Feminism in Los Angeles, Suzanne Lacy, Jerri Allyn, Susan Mogul. It was exciting to be in the presence of the matriarch. I wanted to tell them that the Woman's building lives on and that their legacy endures, but I chickened out.

Most of the videos were from the Woman's building hay day approx 1973-79. There were great interviews with Arlene Raven and Judy Chicago, footage from lectures by Lucy Lippard and Mary Daly. There was some great footage of the women hanging dry wall and singing as they sanded the ceiling. It was the dawn of video art, the cameras were huge and the quality raw. All they had was TV and BETA. It's amazing how much has changed since then in terms of technology. Today ten year olds are making youtube videos on their Barbie laptops. The women could see that video had the potential to reach a broader audience. They made public service announcements and filmed their activist performances. It must have been such a liberating and exciting moment. There were no opportunities for women artists so they made their own.

The funding eventually dried up and Woman's building closed in 1991. There is a slide archive at Otis and The Getty Research Library has preserved most of the videos. The building on Spring Street is divided up into artist studios. I wish I could buy the building, tear down the walls and restore it to it's former glory, or at least make it into a museum. For now I will cherish my little over priced haven because everyone should have a room of one's own.